After the semi/permanent make-up procedure, it is natural for swelling to occur.

Colors may appear darker immediately following the procedure.  Pigments usually scab after 3-5 days.  DO NOT pick, rub, or cleanse the area with soap or cleanser for one week.  Allow the scab to flake off naturally.  As the healing progresses, colors will soften to its true color.  We recommend lightly rinsing your face and showering with low pressure water.

No water on brows for one week to ensure the hairstroke lines stay as thin as possible.  Water, sweat, and oil on hairstroke lines can blur/spread lines out.

It is normal for colors to fade up to 60% the first week.   Complimentary touch up is recommended only after 4 weeks and no longer than 6 weeks.

Apply on a small dosage of ointment five times a day.  (tattoo ointment or Aquaphor)

If necessary, an appointment for a retouch can be scheduled at 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure at no extra charge.

Do not soak treated area in a hot tub or swimming pool for ten days.

WARNING: Chlorine, exfoliation creams, and exposure to the sun will cause colors to fade.

Failure to follow post-procedure instructions may cause loss of pigment, discoloration or infection.

There is a $50 fee for no shows on touchups when less than 7 days cancellation/reschedule notice is given. 

Touchup appointments will be subject to the availability of the technician’s schedule. Please select the best appointment time for your touchup as availability is highly limited. Technicians can not guarantee a rescheduled appointment to meet the complimentary touchup 4-6 week timeframe. If a rescheduled appointment does not meet the complimentary time frame, touch up fees will apply.

4-6 weeks after initial session first followup : complimentary

6-10 weeks after initial session first touchup :  $50

10-12 weeks after initial session first touchup :  $100

12-16 weeks after initial session first touchup: $200+

(optional)  2nd touchup within 3 months of initial session :  $100


Prices are subject to change without notice.



After application of eyelash extensions, please wait at least 4 hours before any water contact to your eye area.

To keep your new lashes looking lush and beautiful as long as possible, please follow these instructions.

A v o i d :

- Steaming face, use steam bath/sauna, or swim within the first 2 days after application

- Perm/tint the extensions

- Use an eyelash curler

- Rubbing, picking, pulling out, or playing with extensions

- Any cream, oil-based, or lotion products on extensions

- Waterproof mascara or any waterproof cosmetics.  Ingredients in waterproof cosmetics de-bond lash adhesive

P l e a s e   D o :

- Use oil-free makeup remover (when doing so, please use cotton swabs to carefully clean around the eye area)

- Separate/comb lashes from middle to tip

- Wear goggles for swimming and sauna use

- Use contact lens solution and eye drops if needed (they will not harm your extensions)

Your new set of lashes by Joanne should last 4-6 weeks. As your eyelashes shed naturally, the extensions will also shed (the extensions are attached individually to your own lashes).  Please do not attempt to take off extensions yourself because it will damage your own natural lashes.